A champion amongst their own. Former patient becomes mental health nurse of the year


An article on the ABC news website has highlighted the great achievement of nurse Matthew Ball, a former patient of the mental health system who later went on to register as a nurse and as of today has become the Mental Health nurse of the year according to the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses.

According to the article Matthew was diagnosed with a psychotic illness which left him hearing voices. Through his work and that of mental health nurses he has rid himself of the voices, rather he can now understand what triggers the voices and allow himself to overcome their debilitating effect.

I applaud Matthew and all others who choose to turn their situation around and overcome what stops them to achieve goals. I am sure Matthew makes a great registered nurse as he has not only the understanding of what living with a mental illness is like, but has also been a consumer of mental health services and understands that perspective.

I am not a mental health nurse, nor have I ever suffered from a mental health illness. However, in the emergency department we see those who do suffer and work closely with mental health nurses. It is an invaluable area of nursing which deserves such good-news stories.

Until next time



ABC News- Mental health patient becomes Australia’s best mental health nurse